Exchange Mail configuration

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26/01/2013 10:04 #2660 da analin
Exchange Mail configuration è stato creato da analin
Hello I don't be able to configure the EXCHANGE server in VTE FREE.

This is the situation:
Username : nomcog
Email : Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.
Dominio :
server exchange :
I've set an account on my device android. With exchange android client using the following parameter:
Domain/user name : acme\nomcog
password : ******
SSL: Yes
Port: 443

But, in VTE, i don't find the right configuration. Where i'm wrong?
in VTE there is a LOG to check the error?

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02/02/2013 08:43 #2676 da dende
Risposta da dende al topic Re: Exchange Mail configuration
Port 443 ? (https)
VTE needs an IMAP connection to the mail server, so the right port is 143 for imap or 993 for imaps. (preferred by exchange)

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