[SOLVED] unable ti save in webmail folder

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05/02/2013 07:35 - 11/02/2013 22:01 #2684 da enricospedo
Hi Everybody

i have buy a mail with smtp server on register.it, so i get from there my mail account, but vte are in another host;
the problem are then i write a mail from vte a message appear like " cant save draf" in italian,
and i dont see any message in sent or other folder created on my host space.

Any ideas ?

A question for the forum admins: whu dont restore italian historical topic?
was very useful guide for newsletter at example that are lost ....

Enrico Spedo
Ultima Modifica 11/02/2013 22:01 da dende.
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11/02/2013 20:04 #2691 da dende
have you set the sent folder on the webmail preferences ?

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11/02/2013 21:50 #2693 da enricospedo

thanks boss, thats all work :))
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