Activation problem after migrating a virtual installation from a machine to another

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04/04/2014 12:39 #3116 da giuseppe.puccio@ccbrescia.interno
Good morning,
I have a problem and I hope there's a solution.
I'm Italian so excuse me in advance if my English is not clear as expected.
I'm going to describe the problem.
I installed a VTE CRM instance on a virtual machine, created by VMWare. Originally, the instance of the virtual machine was on a normal client. I installed the Linux version, so I set up a Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS with Apache2, PHP5, MySql, and so on.
Everything was OK, during setup process I registered the CRM instance with my account registration details.
I also started to work on it, created some users, and populated with some data.
Today I moved the virtual machine from a local PC (which I used to perform the original installation) to a server, and when I first connected to the CRM it told that it was necessary to activate the software (again).
I activated a second time the software, and now, when I connect, it says "another instance of the application has been found, so certain functionalities will be disabled".
Is there a solution to the problem? I suppose that is caused by the migration, maybe for the MAC Address of the LAN adapter that is changed...
My user was the only with administrator privileges, and now I cannot modify system settings, add accounts, roles, groups...
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance,

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06/05/2014 16:46 #3129 da lbsec
Ciao Giuseppe,
you can find a lot of info at

In sostanza :
Cancelli il contenuto delle tabella tbl_s_morphsuit.
Cancelli la prima riga della tabella vte_wsapp.

Ti chiede di riattivare la licenza e tutto "dovrebbe" ritornare a funzionare.

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07/05/2014 05:58 #3130 da giuseppe.puccio@ccbrescia.interno
Grazie, alla fine ho reinstallato tutto.
Non arrivavano risposte e non potevo tenere troppo ferma la situazione, ho aspettato una settimana e poi mi sono deciso a reinstallare il tutto, copiando poi i dati.
Comunque, a titolo di avviso, quando avevo spostato la macchina virtuale con Vmware avevo fatto un errore, avevo selezionato "copied" anzichè "moved" al primo avvio.
Quando ho reinstallato tutto ho anche per sicurezza cancellato tutti i file di sessione di VMWARE, ho tenuto solo la macchina virtuale e il VMX.
Ora è tutto ok,
grazie lo stesso

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