[SOLVED] Customer Portal login

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28/08/2014 10:21 #3178 da marcozeus
Hi everybody,
I just installed a fresh version of VTECRM Free 4.5 on Ubuntu 14.04 and PHP 5.5.9, located into subdomain.mydomain.com/crm
Everything works fine but I can't login into cusotmer portal at subdomain.mydomain.com/crm/portal with the error "Could not connect to server. Please contact the administrator."

These are my settings:
global $Server_Path;
global $Portal_Path;

$Server_Path = "";

$Authenticate_Path = "";

global $site_URL;
if ($site_URL)
$Server_Path = $site_URL;
global $PORTAL_URL;
$Authenticate_Path = $PORTAL_URL;


$PORTAL_URL = ' subdomain.domain.com.com/crm/portal ';

// without final "/"
$site_URL = ' subdomain.domain.com/crm ';

// root directory path (with final "/")
$root_directory = '/var/www/html/crm/';

I searched for the solution but what I found doesn't resolve my problem.
Please, can anyone help me?
Thank you very much,
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28/08/2014 12:13 #3179 da dende
Risposta da dende al topic Re: Customer Portal login
Hi marcozeus,
VTECRM is not certified for PHP 5.5 and will not work as expected.
Please downgrade to PHP 5.3.

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28/08/2014 16:40 #3180 da marcozeus
Risposta da marcozeus al topic Re: Customer Portal login
Hi dende,
do you think that downgrading php could solve my problem?
Are my settings correct?
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29/08/2014 08:07 #3181 da dende
Risposta da dende al topic Re: Customer Portal login
And if your VTE is used in secure HTTP (HTTPS) be sure to have installed php's curl module (php5-curl)
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01/09/2014 11:39 #3182 da marcozeus
Hi dende,
just to notify you that downgrading php to 5.3 (as your hint) solved my problem.
Thank you again for your support.

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01/09/2014 12:11 #3183 da dende
Great ;)
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