Call to a member function addLink()

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18/12/2019 14:08 #3566 da

denis ha scritto: No, you have to start from 0.
So you have to remove all the files of VTE and start as the first time

I have deleted all files and mysql db.

Uploaded the .zip to server and unzipped.

Run the install.php with Create Database NO default data but always:

PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function addLink() on bool in \modules\ModComments\ModComments.php:103
Stack trace:
#0 \modules\ModComments\ModComments.php(154): ModComments::addWidgetTo(Array)
#1 \install\CreateTables.php(77): ModComments->addWidgetToAll()
#2 \install.php(63): include('D:\\home\\h461888...')
#3 {main}
thrown in \modules\ModComments\ModComments.php on line 103

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18/12/2019 14:16 - 18/12/2019 14:17 #3567 da dende
Did you choose any optional module during installation ?
Ultima Modifica 18/12/2019 14:17 da dende.

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18/12/2019 14:56 #3568 da

denis ha scritto: Did you choose any optional module during installation ?

customerportal and recyclebin YES. the others are NOT selected

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20/12/2019 12:16 #3569 da dende
I tried to reproduce the issue with no luck.

I downloaded the source (tgz) from here and then installed without any problem.
Maybe is OS/config related...

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20/12/2019 13:52 - 20/12/2019 14:44 #3570 da

denis ha scritto: I tried to reproduce the issue with no luck.

I downloaded the source (tgz) from here and then installed without any problem.
Maybe is OS/config related...

yes is correct. I donwloaded the vtenext19ce.tgz and upleaded file to server and unzipped

My hosting is windows hosting with CGI php 7.3.12.

When I try to install, the pre installation check is fail for:
Imagick extension

but I think they are not indinspensable for installation, is correct?
Ultima Modifica 20/12/2019 14:44 da

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20/12/2019 14:57 #3571 da dende
Could you try with PHP 7.0, 7.1 or 7.2 ?

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